Let CTASafe Handle Your BOI Reports

Add-On Option

(available within the CTASafe platform)

Unlimited Filings
Unlimited Correction and Update Filings
Unlimited Users
(beneficial owners, company applicants, account administrators)
Access to Real-Time Monitoring Platform
Beneficial owner information Management
Single login access per user to access all connected reporting companies
Automated Notifications for Effective Monitoring
Data Protection for All Users
Secure document gathering
Secure online portal for collecting beneficial owner information
Direct integration with FinCEN's Beneficial Ownership Secure System (BOSS) for e-filing
Tracking of reporting deadlines and reminders for updates
Audit trail and version history for all BOIR filings
Compliance dashboard with real-time status updates
Audit logging and activity tracking
Guaranteed Compliance with Privacy Laws
Ongoing software updates and enhancements
Consulting services for CTA compliance and implementation
Initial intake scoping session
Additional hour of Concierge Consulting to be used as needed
Additional Hours Available for Purchase
CTA Reporting Obligations Assessment Meeting
Reporting company profile setup
Indentifying and adding your beneficial owners
Setting up company administrators
Liability Exposure Reduction Meeting + Q&A (With company senior officers and beneficial owners)
Strategic planning of initial BOIR reporting filing
Monitoring Orientation Meeting
One-Time Filing + Monitoring
Available for purchase
Unlimited Filings + Monitoring
Available for purchase
Unlimited Filings + Concierge Consulting
Unlimited Filings + Concierge
Set Up


Collaborative Reporting

Our reporting process creates transparency between reporting company admins, beneficial owners, and company applicants by displaying the status of the company’s report without disclosing private information.

Customize Monitoring Preferences

Change and adjust system notification settings to fit your needs as a reporting company.

Reporting Dashboards

Add beneficial owners and company applicants with a simple invitation to create a private login to provide their information and view filing status.

Timely Compliance Reminders

Automatic email reminders sent to beneficial owners, company applicants, and admins when a report requires modifications, corrections, or attestations.

Unlimited Filing

The reporting company can file as many times as necessary without the fear of additional charges.

Automatic Report Reminders

Let the system do it for you. Automatic reminders prompt beneficial owners and company applicants to complete their reports promptly.

Direct E-Filing with FinCEN

Direct access to FINCEN API for efficient reporting with unlimited filings.

Beneficial Owner Identification

Reduce liability for the mishandling of personal information for senior officers, beneficial owners, and company applicants through secure software and processes within CTASafe.

Permissions & Security

Only admins of a reporting company can see personal identifying information for other beneficial owners and company applicants. The primary admin is the only authority that can add or remove other admins on the reporting company.

Bulk Reporting Company Management

Manage up to 500 reporting companies with a single login.

Beneficial Owner Report

Update and maintain your one report. Any updates and changes will automatically be sent to any connected reporting company to initiate a new report.

FinCEN ID Validation

Admins can require all beneficial owners and company applicants to utilize a FinCEN ID for their personal identifying information.

Are you ready to join CTASafe's Filing Platform?